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2005-08-27 06:41:48
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   You see children, these horrible little beings reproduce at an incredible rate, fueled by a mixture of Hot Topic and Marilyn Manson. If they are not stopped the gothic subculture and music itself will be forgotten. It is already taking a beating by everyone who mocks it out of ignorance. They make fun of it because they have never known what true goth is and their perceptions are blurred by what these little 'I-hate-the-world-because-mommy-doesn't-love-me-enough' teenagers are portraying. They will no longer be allowed to use this label.

   You'll notice I simply refer to goth as 'it' and don't list specific examples. Before you attempt to spam me and complain (you can, but I assure you it won't spoil my night) I will say now that I do this to protect what this wiki stands for: REVEALING THE FALSE. Now, if I were to give them a hint or ground for their claims that would ruin this whole self-righteousness I have filled myself with.

Well, well, [Nymphette]. It's nice to know that your copy and paste skills aren't lacking.
When asked what goth was, as she claims she is in her profile (and all those that say they are goth, upon joining must explain what it is), she gave me a beautiful little explanation. I thought something was wrong with it though, as can be seen below in the wiki page containing it. I did a search to find out if my suspicions were correct, and they were.
Look familiar, Nymphette?
For being a cunt, you have been removed. I don't want whining either. You fucked up, not me.
Liar FG

Banners are up. Stick one in your house and show your support, douche and/or join the member list.
Fake Goth Banners
FG Members

And speaking of this:
The following fake goths need to remove our banner. You won't avoid ridicule by pretending to be a member. In fact, you'll be ridiculed even more.

[samantha louise!]

Originally this was a dear little list of Elftown members who are 'Fake Goths'. Now, as this appears to have become a problem with the number of reports sent to the guards, the list has been deleted and this will now serve as a forum to discuss this ongoing problem. Apparently people don't appreciate having their accounts violated. Ah, well. Either way, this wiki will continue as before, just without the list.

FG Supported Wikis
fake goths lost list


Temporary notice!
As [cuntstitches] is no longer able to devote her time to tending to her dear wiki, I [Lost in Illusions] have volunteered to take over for the time being.
That's right.
I'm the new master.
Bow down, bitches.

Username (or number or email):


2005-06-20 [drakkar]: thats an excellent picture though

2005-06-20 [Lost in Illusions]: yeah, it's cute. Could we move on to a new subject?

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: music

2005-06-20 [Lost in Illusions]: alright, then. What about music?

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: sterotypes

2005-06-20 [Lost in Illusions]: ah, like Britney and Manson? Two extremes, yes, but both very much stereotypes.

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: in reality music is music no matter who you listen to but it causes more dispute now then ever

2005-06-20 [Goldice]: music is what puts you in those stereotypes. its such a sad situation

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: XD its funny it seems like i am the only black person to listen to stuff other then rap and when people want to listen to my music i get yelled at for not having any XD

2005-06-20 [Goldice]: and why is there a big chill pill on the wiki? can anyone enlighten me?

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: because it is enlightening and makes us at peace with ourselves

2005-06-20 [Goldice]: oh thats why o.0

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: indeed

2005-06-20 [Lost in Illusions]: hehe, because I kinda "went off" on a few of the girls talking about the boys they think are hot on ET. I abhor rap. I will listen to just about anything, including country, but rap, especially gangsta rap, is off of my playlist. It's not really the stereotype that goes along with it, though I dont really care for people who listen to that music. It's not that i dont like them because they listen to rap, but because most of them act to the stereotype placed on them through rap music. Well, that concludes that little anti-gangsta rap rant.

2005-06-20 [Lost in Illusions]: and it is sad.. at one time, you defined the music you listened to by who you were. You could listen to what you want, and how you want, and no one had a problem.. Nowadays it seems that instead of you shaping your music interests, the genres of music we listen to seem to shape us. I am an exception, I guess, or maybe not. Maybe it's that people *want* the music to tell them how to be. I listen to classical, nostalgic, "easy-listening," rock, heavy metal, jazz, even a bit of pop and country, yet I am how I am because it's how I choose to be. What gets me the most is that people think, based on these pseudo-bands out there, that the entire culture is like that: such as how>>>>>

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: i can listen to anything even (c) rap on occassion but everyonethingking that you can only listen to one type of music is sad...i was asked who you listening to and i said beethoven...they did not know who he was -, was very sad

2005-06-20 [Lost in Illusions]: Manson-ettes seem to think that by wearing skinny black clothes, painting their faces white, and singing grotesquely into a microphone, they are suddenly "goffick." or if a Britney-whore decides to dye her hair blonde and wear skimpy-tight clothes, they are "normal" and "cool" and all the boys will want them like they want to fuck Britney. *eyeroll* quite tiresome.

2005-06-20 [Lost in Illusions]: o.o it is sad when someone doesnt even recognize the name of such a marvelous composer. I, myself, prefer Mozart or Vivaldi, but beethoven was/is one of the best classical composers of his or any classical period.

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: any classical music was better then modern music because there where no steryotypes put in with them it was just simple and pure music

2005-06-20 [Lost in Illusions]: that's why I like lyrical classical music. Even classical music set to a modern instrument... To me, music is music. Just as people are people, but that's another conversation entirely.. Anyway, music is just music; unfortunately, media and society has deemed it stereotypes because of certain people that listen to it. Pretty soon genres erupted, clothing styles came up, entire cultures were bred because of tiny differences in the musical styles. It's quite sad, really, that people take it so seriously. Personally, I just sit in my car (that's where i listen to my music ^^) and sit back, enjoying the hard chords of a power-ballad, or the soft melodies of a lounge tune.

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: i on occasion just to mess with the people who think they have loud speakers in their cars blast slipknot next to them and make then turn off their radios completly XD.....but this is aside the point

2005-06-20 [Lost in Illusions]: hehehehe.. that reminds me of this one time I was playing my music loudly. I was going to a night class and I was blaring Green Day's "American Idiot." I was stopped at a red light and I was rocking out to it, too; just banging my head and doing the whole air-guitar thing. This car was beside me and I look over, and there are these two.. britney look-alikes in this mustang next to me, giggling at me dancing.. I didnt care... I was having fun!

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: XD yeah i must admit that making the "normals" panic is fun doing magic this is easy though and having fun while you are doing it is what makes life worth living

2005-06-20 [Lost in Illusions]: sometimes. I wish I were skilled in my magicks. I do have one motion where I'll wave my hand over my view of the stoplight and concentrate, and the opposite light will turn yellow the next second.

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: i do magic (pulling stuff from air and such) but i must admit that magick is on ocassion fun my father taught me a little about attaining your inner power through meditation and allowing stuff like that to happen when i snap my fingers

2005-06-20 [Lost in Illusions]: Ive done some of it, but I'd like to get more intense into it. I'd love to get to where I do glamours and maybe work with the elements a bit... I've always wondered how to aquire telekenesis. I do have one gift, though you should talk to me in private about that. Talking about true power to the public diminishes the value and potency of the power.

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: true well message me and we will chat about abilities

2005-06-20 [Lost in Illusions]: alright, then. But so I dont get bored out of my mind, I'm going to keep the conversation going in here. If I could have one "superpower" it'd probably be ... to fly. Or maybe like rogue and just absorb energy, that way (if this were an X-Men generated world) I could just absorb some flight from another person.. not to mention murder would be a lot easier and less messy. xD

2005-06-20 [Lost in Illusions]: (you know what's sad? That no one in this wiki joins in on our actual intelligent conversations like the one about our friend Beethoven... yet, everyone and their sister wants to exclaim how sexy and hot [Aristotle] is... Annoying, ain't it?)

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: XD indeed

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: and picking one superpower would be tough..maybe control of the elements or telekenisis

2005-06-20 [Lost in Illusions]: ^_^ I love telekenesis.. of course, you know if you have telekenesis, you'd also have the power to fly.. you simply have to be able to manage lifting and suspending yourself.

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: yup and that would tye in great with my form of magic

2005-06-20 [Lost in Illusions]: what is your form of magic? Are we talking *smoke and mirrors* or actual supernatural magick?

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: a little of both but mostly "smoke and mirrors" as we like to make the spectators think

2005-06-20 [Lost in Illusions]: I know there has to be some form of magick that goes along with stage magic... there's no way David Copperfield can make a helicopter appear from nowehre, or how David Blaine can make an elephant disappear without a little extra help. I mean, my god, if it were really a trapdoor, you would have to hear some sort of thud when the elephant slips through xD.

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: XD yes i must find you this post from one of my magic forums about how mr copperfeild made the statue of liberty dissapear very few things make me laugh but that alomst had me falling out of my chair

2005-06-20 [Lost in Illusions]: you think that's funny, you should read vive de revolution.. hehe, shameless plug of my own work. Anyway, what about Mr. Copperfield's work amuses you?

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: not much he is a very good magician infact he is the one who inspired me to take up magic but the method posted about how he did one illusion was very funny to me

2005-06-20 [Lost in Illusions]: yeah, that was pretty funny to read ^^

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: i like it

2005-06-20 [prima rosa]: tusk, you should listen to a bit of chopin, he was such a great guy. when i play it on the piano, i sometimes cry :(

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: any classical composer was great and still is

2005-06-20 [Lost in Illusions]: wow.. the classical conversation was like.. an hour ago, but it's good to see a fellow classical music lover ^^ Yes, I love Chopin, too, though I've just heard most of his early jazz.. Entertainer and such.

2005-06-20 [prima rosa]: no no no, thats joplin. chopin is out of this world, more, romantic era. sorry to be so late on commenting, but i am so in love with the stuff i couldnt help commenting :P

2005-06-20 [Rambert]: I love the entertainer! It's my ringtone.

2005-06-20 [prima rosa]: used to be mine, before i dropped my phone off a rollercoaster. watching it fall was perhaps the most painful few seconds of my life. ive not had a great record when it comes to losing phones. when i got hit by a car outside school my phone went flying and this chav just picked it up and walked of with it as i lay on the road in severe pain!

2005-06-20 [Lost in Illusions]: I've heard Chopin, too.. I know... I just cant think of any popular songs... I could have sworn Joplin and Chopin were the same.. Anyway. A prick just picked up your phone and walked off with it, not even bothering to at least call someone for help? God damn, that'd make me mad... I'd drag my little limp body right after the bastard.

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: XD as one of the great instructors said "let it out...let it ..go"

2005-06-20 [prima rosa]: i would have, if my leg wasnt trapped under the car! but thats life. and hes a chav. it proberbly fed his family for a week.

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: O.o

2005-06-20 [Rambert]: wait... what's a chav? *feels extremely innocent and embarassed*

2005-06-20 [Rambert]: btw, I love the Salad Fingers name ^^

2005-06-20 [prima rosa]: lol thanks. a chav = a scally, commoner, they are really nasty. really really nasty scummy people. they live in the council houses. yobs and stuff.

2005-06-20 [prima rosa]: and a small comment to [drakkar]. how come if you say you practice magic, it states you are a christian goth on your profile?

2005-06-20 [Lost in Illusions]: *is not English* Council houses? Like poorhouses/shelters? yobs?

2005-06-20 [Rambert]: Yeah, us americans don't know brit-speak... ^^;

2005-06-20 [prima rosa]: not shelters, thats a charity. like, the cheap homes, where all the kids get preggie at 14, mostly 12 single mums, drunken dads etc

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: what does me being a christian goth have to do with me doing magic?

2005-06-20 [Rambert]: hehehe... "preggie". Say more stuff!

2005-06-20 [Rambert]: and, is that a real picture of you on your house? If so, you're damn sexy. And no I'm not lesbian, I just can appreciate female beauty. XP

2005-06-20 [prima rosa]: it depends what kind of magic you are performing. preggie = pregnant :P im sure you know. they all are sluts, etc. hold on a made a website ages ago about it. ill find it

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: well i am more of a divinist but i do the "smoke and mirrors" magic mostly as well as some aspectts of dragon and feng shui be honest i am kind of everywhere in a sense

2005-06-20 [prima rosa]: and yes it is ^^ thankyou. its the only photo i look good in. after being photoshopped. its more art really

2005-06-20 [Rambert]: Have you ever read the book The Vanished Man by Jeffery Deaver? It's a murder mystery with magic and stuff... very, very good.

2005-06-20 [Rambert]: *that was for drakkar*

2005-06-20 [prima rosa]: thats a bit dodgy drakkar

2005-06-20 [prima rosa]: here is the website url

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: dodgy how do you mean (and i will look for this book)

2005-06-20 [prima rosa]: like, you cant practice witchcraft and christianity

2005-06-20 [Rambert]: You do that. It's the last in a five-book series that starts with The Bone Collector (now a movie w/Angelina Jolie and Denzel Washington), but you can read the book by itself and you'll still get a lot out of it.

2005-06-20 [prima rosa]: anyhoo, im off for now, enjoy the website, hopefully you will know what chavs are before i return. ta ta xx

2005-06-20 [Rambert]: lol I will be sure to peruse it.

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: i will mail [prima rosa] with an explanation this could take a while

2005-06-20 [Lost in Illusions]: you know.. Prayer is like casting a spell.. it's just having the concentration enough to "ask" a higher being to perform an act for you.. just as in a spell/ritual or magick of that sorts. you simply call upon your inner power instead of a higher diety.

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: and another one of my points is proved *bows* domo arigato

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: i personaly think that with use of your inner power plus the power of a higher deity an unatural power could be attained just that easyly

2005-06-20 [Lost in Illusions]: uh... Nasai (?! I cant remember much Japanese from what little I learned). Either way, no problem. I dont particularly believ in any type of omnipotent power, but I do believe in a higher diety that could rule us.

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: that also states another of my theory (being christain i use god as an example) but i think there is some higher deity upon which we never see and all of the other "gods" from every culture are just masks of the one higher deity as a bumper sticker read "god is to big for just one religion" and that is what drives my thoughts on the subject because if our ideals about him and and him being omnipresent are true then he would be able to do such a feat...still here or have i lost you?

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: O.o..i was rambling their huh?

2005-06-20 [Lost in Illusions]: hehehe, that's hardly rambling, or ranting... Ranting is taking up like 5 full comment boxes on one subject.. something like what I do... xD

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: XD well as long as you get you point across i suppose its fine to do

2005-06-20 [Lost in Illusions]: I dont know what makes me fill so much up.. I just find things I want to elaborate on, then subjects inside those elaborations, and so on.

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: thats the way of man

2005-06-20 [Lost in Illusions]: true.. why do you think we have so much mindless drivel? hehehe.

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: yup we started off good and went downhill somewhere...we are still falling it seems

2005-06-20 [Lost in Illusions]: well, at least you and I personally are not faltering. Unfortunately, we cannot say the same for humanity as a whole.

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: yes so true like a gaint dookie in the universe toilet the human race is going fast...and is really smelly to boot

2005-06-21 [cuntstitches]: [maluna]

2005-06-21 [Rambert]: lol drakkar that is EXACTLY how to summarize the human race. XD

2005-06-21 [drakkar]: and thustly the analogy is done

2005-06-24 [AbLam]: Holy crap, have I not been here for a while! We had two supercells in one week with tornado watches...freaky.

2005-06-24 [Lost in Illusions]: supercell?

2005-06-24 [AbLam]: Like a thunderhead...I think the term is supercell thunderheads.

2005-06-24 [Lost in Illusions]: I still dont know, but... if it's bd, I'm sorry.

2005-06-24 [AbLam]: Nothing actually happened except we got hail the size of golf balls. There were just watches for tornadoes. Now, thunderhead. Do you know those really really puffy clouds that rise super high in the air and bring with them mucho lightning and thunder and rain and that stuff? that's a thunderhead. thunderhead is just a's actually a...thundercloud...maybe. Hmm.

2005-06-24 [girl. interrupted.]: Alright, after spending much time thinking about it, I have only one thing to say about rap. RAP is an acronym for Retards Attempting Poetry

2005-06-24 [girl. interrupted.]: Yeah, humans are basically I'm sure I've stated before. I just wanted to point that out again.

2005-06-24 [spongemonkey]: ah, but what more can you expect from such a self-desructive soiciety other than total annihilation?

2005-06-24 [Lost in Illusions]: o.o wow. that took a while to enter into our earlier conversations.

2005-06-24 [girl. interrupted.]: No, I just havn't been to this wikki for a while. But I read the thing about rap, and well, I just had to add something...

2005-06-24 [girl. interrupted.]: No, I guess I didn't expect anything else.

2005-06-24 [AbLam]: Hmmm...we have been experiencing some pretty strange weather....

2005-06-24 [*~A Cure For Contempt~*]: Yeah, it was freaky, I was in Saskatchewan for my grandad's funeral and they were giving tornado warnings! And there were clouds that were REALLY low! It was scary!

2005-06-25 [cuntstitches]: Tornados are amazing. It's times like these that I miss the south.

2005-06-25 [AbLam]: Where do you live now?

2005-06-25 [Lost in Illusions]: I would trade places with you in a second. Milisecond. I need to fucking get out of this place.. country.

2005-06-25 [Simply Real]: Jesus saves, and hes waiting for all of you, i was once morose perfection. The darkest of dark for i know hell better than most. Now i see and know the truth. Open your eyes and ears to me and be saved.

2005-06-25 [drakkar]: O.o....whats that mean exactly

2005-06-25 [Lost in Illusions]: what in the fucking hell are you talking about? You better not be trying to discuss religion in my prescence.

2005-06-25 [drakkar]: we could always just send him to the page i am making

2005-06-25 [Lost in Illusions]: which page is this?

2005-06-25 [drakkar]: the intellent conversations page

2005-06-25 [Lost in Illusions]: ah, that one.

2005-06-25 [drakkar]: jup

2005-06-25 [Spanakopida]: Jesus saves! Passes to moses...GOAL!

2005-06-26 [*~A Cure For Contempt~*]: My god, who the hell is that preacher in training?

2005-06-26 [AbLam]: Did anyone see Saved!....because that guy is completely like Mandy Moore's character, save the ex-satanist part(read his house). Yeeesh.

2005-06-26 [Simply Real]: Bwahahah... *smirks at the wonderful fools* its so wonderful to be in the light as i once was just as deveiced. All of humanity is not doomed, only those that are blind and will not open your eyes, most of you are young and well, one day you will hit the bottom of all bottoms... what then? Hm? Who will help you when no one is left? I know who... I certainly do. Oh and to buddy who thinks christianity is a better educate yourself. God said, "my people will be condemmed by lack of knowledge" or somthing to that effect. So mock me all you want, ill take pleasure in it, for then it makes me more Christ like. *smirks again* nothing will tear me off the path i am on.

2005-06-26 [Simply Real]: Oh and a preacher is some one who talks to a mass crowed with out them responding at all, a preacher is a minister at the HEAD of the church. this is no church and we all are discussing this topic. There for its not preaching.

2005-06-26 [Simply Real]: Oh, one last point, and no i wont ever be a preacher but rather a prophet, for i have already demonstrated this gift of the holy spirit. It grows each day, and i thank god for having hand selected me to be saved, to turn my horrinble hellish, fleshy filled life, around. I know at least a handfull of you oneday... will experience the same thing...

2005-06-26 [Lost in Illusions]: Oh, Jesus Christ... and yes, that was meant in a context other than prayer.

2005-06-26 [Lost in Illusions]: I have tried all religions, from Christianity to Judaism, to Wicca and Satanism. I must say that, aside from the last mentioned, "God" is a predominant factor in each religion. I abhor religion not for the hate of the "God" which is mentioned so often, but for the rules and regulations set forth by the society in which the religion is set upon. Furthermore, in my opinion, "God" is a name made by society to explain the unexplainable. As far as I have read in the Bible, he is not once dubbed that name. *shrugs* I'm not much in the mood to argue, so I apologize that my comments do not offer much conversation. However, I will say this. Foolish does not depend on lack of knowledge, but>>>

2005-06-26 [AbLam]: I'm with Narcissist on that one. We "wonderful fools" are happy the way we are. I think kiss the girl meant that you are acting like a preacher...

2005-06-26 [Simply Real]: *listend intently* Hmmm valid points... So much rebellion in your words, so much anger... What do you hold God acountible for in your life? Why the hate and anger?

2005-06-26 [Spanakopida]: I met jesus once, and he didn't save me from anything. I got hit by a car walking away from him when we met. "Jesus!" I yelled "Save me!" But he just kept on walking, the insensitive little prick. I had casts on my arms and legs for weeks.

2005-06-26 [Lost in Illusions]: on lack of understanding all the aspects and veiwpoints of any one person conversing with. Therefore, you are the fool for claiming that we are such, when you do not even know our opinions of such. I, myself, choose an atheistic position while denouncing all power of an improbable omnipotent being. HOWEVER, I do believe that there may be a lesser being; one that does not have the power of the "God" so named by his followers, but he does have higher power than we mortals have obtained. That is my argument for now.

2005-06-26 [Lost in Illusions]: *laughs coldly at [Simply Real]'s words* You say you have listened intently, yet seem to have grasped nothing. I do not hold this "God" person accountable for anything in my life. However, I do not hold faith in him. I could explain that aspect of my beliefs, but chances are that too would fall short of your understanding. All I shall say in response for now is that I have no hate, anger, nor do I hold rebellion against a diety which I dont even believe in.

2005-06-26 [Lost in Illusions]: [they dont allow much space for me to write.. that's annoying -_-]

2005-06-26 [Spanakopida]: Kick 'em in the face, then.

2005-06-26 [Lost in Illusions]: *chuckles and claps his hands together* Another advesary defeated.

2005-06-26 [Spanakopida]: With no help from moi. (:

2005-06-26 [AbLam]: Who knows...he might come back.

2005-06-26 [Lost in Illusions]: *shrugs* if he does, I will be ready. I have defeated many Christian advesaries, one more shall be no different. You know, it's not that I dislike Christians or any other religion that much. It is the fools that claim I know nothing because I believe in nothing. I am well-versed in all religions, which is why I dont believe in any religons.

2005-06-26 [AbLam]: Yes. I hate it when people try to convert me too. Or say I'm going to hell because I'm an atheist...Especially when there's no proof either way and they just say 'You just gotta have faith'.

2005-06-26 [Lost in Illusions]: I am who I am. They dont have to converse with me if they wish not to hear my beliefs, but I have my own personal ideals, so they just have to adhere to them when speaking with me, or at least leave them be and not argue with me about it.

2005-06-26 [Spanakopida]: I usually just make totally rediculous remarks about their religion until they get frustrated and leave.

2005-06-26 [Lost in Illusions]: meh, I'm not going to insult them; that would just be stooping to their level.

2005-06-26 [Spanakopida]: I don't insult them, just poke fun at them a bit.

2005-06-26 [Lost in Illusions]: I mock their belief in an improbable omnipotent being.

2005-06-27 [AbLam]: Yeah, there really is no proof either way. It's just annoying; you get into a stalemate.

2005-06-27 [Lost in Illusions]: precisely. I dont argue about religion. I just argue when they argue.

2005-06-27 [AbLam]: Yeah pretty much. Like when they tell me that I am going to hell because of it.

2005-06-27 [you all suk!!]: Hey Hey, Narcissist, how's it hanging? Sincerely. one of your defeated opponents!

2005-06-27 [Lost in Illusions]: heh. Usually I would laugh because of the sarcasm behind that comment, but now I just feel smug and gloating.

2005-06-27 [AbLam]: I noticed that about you.

2005-06-27 [drakkar]: O.o..and it begins *pulls out the video camera*

2005-06-27 [AbLam]: huh? what's with the video camera?

2005-06-27 [drakkar]: just ignore me

2005-06-27 [Lost in Illusions]: *smiles for the camera* ^_^

2005-06-27 [drakkar]: *continues filming dispute in progress*

2005-06-27 [Lost in Illusions]: what dispute?

2005-06-27 [drakkar]: ohh nothing

2005-06-27 [Lost in Illusions]: the way I took it is that s/he admitted defeat, as s/he should have.

2005-06-27 [drakkar]: and thustly

2005-06-27 [Lost in Illusions]: hehe.

2005-06-27 [drakkar]: *has a cookie*

2005-06-27 [Lost in Illusions]: I WANT A COOKIE!! *takes [drakkar] and steals the cookie*

2005-06-27 [drakkar]: *pulls out another cookie to replace the stolen one*

2005-06-27 [Lost in Illusions]: *laughs gleefully and munches the cookie*

2005-06-27 [drakkar]: *ponders* we could use milk

2005-06-27 [Lost in Illusions]: *shrugs*

2005-06-27 [drakkar]: *ponders*

2005-06-27 [AbLam]: Well...this is...definitely...interesting...

2005-06-27 [you all suk!!]: And why would I admit defeat? It was sarcasm!

2005-06-27 [Lost in Illusions]: then offer me a plausible argument to follow and maybe I will converse with you.

2005-06-27 [Keii]: Mmm... cookies

2005-06-27 [Lost in Illusions]: I can't stomach cookies right now... I wish I wasnt even awake, but alas.. I am. -_-

2005-06-27 [Keii]: *hugs*

2005-06-27 [Lost in Illusions]: o.o;; *hugs back*

2005-06-27 [Keii]: Sorry... my conversational skills are lacking at the moment, and actions seem easier :s

2005-06-27 [Lost in Illusions]: ah, so. I'm at home on my lunch break, but I"m due back in a half hour -_- oh well, at least it's only 3 hours after that and i get to come home for the day ^^';

2005-06-27 [Keii]: Not bad... I'm not working again until the weekend, thank god! Going flat hunting tomorrow though...

2005-06-27 [Goldice]: good luck

2005-06-27 [Lost in Illusions]: well, I have a 9-5/5 day a week job, which isnt so bad because I dont have to work on the weekends.. *shrugs*

2005-06-27 [Keii]: Thankies [Goldice] - hehe, I'm still a student, so it's part time work for me. What do you work as?

2005-06-27 [Lost in Illusions]: paralegal. I'm a student, too, so I only work on Mondays and Wednesdays.. Mainly, I'm using this job to gain experience and get a good bulletpoint on my resume.

2005-06-27 [Keii]: Very nice. You wanting to be a lawyer? (Yeah, I told you my conversational skills were lacking >.<)

2005-06-27 [Lost in Illusions]: yes, I am wanting to be a lawyer ^^'; I am transferring to a 4-yr school this semester, then going to law school.. wheeeeeeeeeee

2005-06-27 [Keii]: Sweet... I used to want to become a lawyer, but I'm not smart enough. ^^; Good luck with all that.

2005-06-27 [Lost in Illusions]: I dont know what I"m going to end up doing in the future, but hopefully I'll be making the money that I want to be.

2005-06-27 [Goldice]: ive not long left school (like a few weeks ago) so im looking for full time job. no college for me

2005-06-27 [Lost in Illusions]: fun.. well, I want as much money as I can possibly make, so I'm going to do as much school as I can tolerate so I can do that. ^^';

2005-06-27 [you all suk!!]: What kind of argument do you have in mind?

2005-06-27 [Lost in Illusions]: Truth be told, I dont care for arguing. I simply offered my opinion on your way of speaking when you first came around because of how horrendous it was, not to mention your attempt at insulting me and others. In fact, if you would continue to type in the manner that you are, and offer some enjoyable topics, I may actually care to speak with you, so to speak. 

2005-06-27 [AbLam]: Ravon, now that we can understand you, could you tell me, perhaps, if you are a male or female so that I don't have to keep referring to you s/he?

2005-06-27 [Lost in Illusions]: yes, that would be beneficial in our future conversing... o.o;; excuse my literary typing.. I'm in "lawyer-mode"

2005-06-27 [AbLam]: That's alright. It's better than """LIKE OMFG YER LYK SOO FUKIN HOTT! LOL SEXXI!"""

2005-06-27 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: *blinks* Well god damn...

2005-06-27 [Lost in Illusions]: hehehe, I suppose it is better.. *kicks the computer* that's better ^^';

2005-06-27 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: w00t ^_^

2005-06-27 [Lost in Illusions]: >.> I'm bored.... someone entertain me!

2005-06-27 [drakkar]: *starts to preform random card tricks*

2005-06-27 [Lost in Illusions]: wheeeeeeeeeeeeee! *giggles happily*

2005-06-27 [drakkar]: *starts to juggle cards*

2005-06-27 [Lost in Illusions]: o.o;; *sits back and munches on popcorn while watching intently*

2005-06-27 [drakkar]: *throws one "accidently" gouging out a ninjas eye that had been spying on him*

2005-06-27 [AbLam]: what...the...hell...

2005-06-28 [drakkar]: nothing just ignore him

2005-06-28 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: *laughs quietly in her corner*

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